Asbestos Containing Building Materials
Asbestos was used in building materials in Canada up until the 1980s, some products manufactured today still use asbestos. Asbestos containing material (ACM) can be found throughout the home and work place, below is a non exhaustive list of potential ACM. ​
Acoustical Plaster
Asphalt Floor Tile
Base Flashing
Blown-in (Loose fill) Insulation
Boiler Insulation
Breaching Insulation
Ceiling Tiles and Lay-in Panels
Cement Pipes
Cement Siding
Cement Wallboard
Construction Mastics (floor tile, carpet, ceiling tile, etc.)
Cooling Towers
Decorative Plaster
Ductwork Flexible Fabric Connections
Electrical Cloth
Electrical Panel Partitions
Electrical Wiring Insulation
Elevator Brake Shoes
Elevator Equipment Panels
Fire Doors
Fireproofing Materials
Flooring Backing
Heating and Electrical Ducts
High Temperature Gaskets
HVAC Duct Insulation
Joint Compounds
Pipe Insulation (corrugated air-cell, block, etc.)
Roofing Felt
Roofing Shingles
Spackling Compounds
Sprayed-on Insulation
Taping Compounds (thermal)
Textured Paints/Coatings
Thermal Paper Products
Vinyl Floor Tile
Vinyl Sheet Flooring
Vinyl Wall Coverings
Friable and Non-Friable
ACM can be further divided between Friable ACM and Non-friable ACM.
Friable ACM is easily crumbled or pulverized with the force exerted by ones fingers.
Examples include plasters, joint compounds and some insulations.
Non-friable ACM is held together by some type of binding agent.
Examples include floor tiles, ceiling tiles and adhesives.
Friability is important as it in part determines the level of risk posed to personnel who are working with or around the materials.

5 Common ACMs Encountered

Joint Compound:
Including on drywall joints, skim coats and ceiling
texture coats.

Vinyl Floor Tiles:
Especially those that measure 9 by 9 inches.

Including loose-fill, block and spray-on insulation.

Including both white and grey plasters.

Pipe Wrap:
Mainly heating pipes but occasionally water and waste pipes.